Martes, Pebrero 21, 2012

Tips How to Motivate Employees

    Every employees is an asset to the company. Their skills and talent is indispensable for the progress of the enterprise. Workers are the mediator in achieving the organizational goals and great help for daily business operation. But, there are so many questions, and problems that haven't yet answered and given a solution on the employees problems. Some of them are not satisfied, and others are not motivated to work. How we can motivate our employees? How we can tap efficient and productive workers? As a neophyte business owners how can we create an environment for our new employees who can work for the betterment of the organization.
    Motivation is a process that elicits, controls, and sustains certain behaviors. For example: An individual feel thirsty, he or she feels uneasiness and responses to his feelings. There are so many theories focuses on motivation of employees how to satisfy their needs and wants. Give the feelings that they are accepted and secured. The goal of motivating them is to retain the employees who are worthy and asset for the attainment of the organizational goals.
    Many things to be remember in motivating the employees. You need to consider different aspects and perspective in order to have a sound decision making in order to attain the progress and harmonious relationship among employees.

     1. As the owner of the every enterprise you need to have consistency in establishing a concrete and good relationship to your employees, no biases and favoritism.
     2. Established respect. Respect everyone. Believe on the sayings of Desiderata "Even the dull have their own story"
     3. Show integrity. As the owners of the company or if you are the boss let them know that you have a good image and show to them that you are a person that have integrity.
    4. Know the employees feelings. Let them feel that they are accepted and loved. Whatever their problems give them sympathy and most of all the empathy.
    5. Give praise and recommend your employees. Whatever achievement and good performance praise them and acknowledge them for a job well done.
    6.  Show love. The greatest you could give to your employees is love. Let them know that they are beloved and;
     7. Have an environment of "Peoples' Participatory". Let them participate in every undertakings of the company.
     Indeed, motivating one's employees is fragile. You need knowledge and hearts in order to accomplish it. And beyond those difficulties you can change one's life and at the same time you can build a good and efficient employees. Let's them move and be motivated.

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